Upcoming Material
Read through the notes below if you want to have a look at class material before it is covered in class.  We may cover the material in a slightly different way or in somewhat different order in class.  Time constraints might also keep us from covering all of the material below.  Items above the dotted line are being covered now or about to be covered,  those below the dotted line have already been covered (please send me an email if you find that I'm not keeping this section up to date).

16. Humidity variables
17. Humidity example problems and applications
18. Dew, frost, haze, and fog
19. Cloud identification
20. Satellite photographs and precipitation formation pt. 1
21 Precipitation formation pt. 2 and weather radar
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1. Origin and composition of the earth's atmosphere
2. Air pollutants pt. 1: carbon monoxide, ozone and photochemical smog
3. Air pollutants pt. 2: sulfur dioxide, acid rain, London-type smog, and particulate matter
4. Mass, weight, density and pressure
5. Changes in pressure, density, and temperature with altitude in the atmosphere
6. The ideal gas law, vertical forces, Archimedes law

7. Station model notation
8. Surface weather maps
9. Upper level charts

10. Energy, temperature, heat
11. Temperature scales; energy transport by conduction, convection, and latent heat
12. Electromagnetic radiation pt. 1
13. Electromagnetic radiation pt. 2
14. Radiative equilibrium and a simplified explanation of the atmospheric greenhouse effect
15. More realistic energy balance and effects of clouds on daytime and nighttime temperatures