Previous exams

Previous exams are provided in WORD format. The conversion to html did not work well for these files. If you are unable to view WORD files, please let me know so I can provide copies of these exams in another format. These exams should be used as a study guide to help you prepare for this semester's exams, which will have a similar format. Your exams will have different questions.

Fall 2011 - Exam 1 (WORD format)
Skew-T chart for multiple choice questions 9-11

Fall 2011 - Exam 2 (WORD format)
500mb map for multiple choice questions 29-33

Fall 2011 - Exam 3 (WORD format)

Relevant study questions to help prepare for exam 3, Fall 2012:
Fall 2011, exam 2 -- Multiple choice questions 25, 26. Short answer question 5b.
Fall 2011, exam 3 -- All Multiple choice and Short answer questions.

Relevant study questions to help prepare for exam 2, Fall 2012:
Fall 2011, exam 1 -- Multiple choice questions 8, 12-21, 26, 28. Short answer questions 2a, 3, 4a.
Fall 2011, exam 2 -- Multiple choice questions, except 1, 2, 25, 26. Short answer questions, except 5b.

Relevant study questions to help prepare for exam 1, Fall 2012:
Fall 2011, exam 1 -- Multiple choice questions 1-7, 9-11, 22-25, 27. Short answer questions 1, 2b, 4b
Fall 2011, exam 2 -- Multiple choice questions 1, 2, 29, 30, 32. Short answer questions 1, 6b.
The topics concerning 500 mb maps and the monsoon and winds were not covered in Fall 2011.

Topic Outlines for Exams

Topic outline for Fall 2012 exam #1 (WORD Format)

Topic outline for Fall 2012 exam #2 (WORD Format)

Topic outline for Fall 2012 exam #3 (WORD Format)

Dale Ward