Book Report

Due Date
Mariel Alvarado
X Morgan Gasho
X Barbara Ogushi
X Danielle Reynolds
X Stephanie Slaughter
X Kirby Walker
Isaac's Storm
Frozen Earth
Isaac's Storm
Isaac Newton
on or before Wed., Dec. 5
Mon., Oct. 1
Fri., Nov. 2
Mon., Oct. 15
Mon., Oct. 22
Mon., Oct. 29

You may choose any of the books listed here.  Let me know once you've decided on a title.  I'll check to see if I have a copy available and if so will bring it to class.  You'll then have about 3 weeks to read all or part of the book and to prepare your report.  Please check with me first before reading and reporting on a book that isn't on the list above.

Here are some report writing guidelines.