Thursday April 6, 2017

In our last lecture we looked at the basic elements used to protect structures from lightning strikes.  A direct or nearby lightning strike is likely to induce large transients on the  signal cables and electrical wiring that connect to sensitive electronics inside a building and even in the electronic circuits themselves. Today we will briefly examine some of the ways of protecting sensitive electronics from these over-voltages and induced effects.  We will only give this topic cursory coverage; the actual protection used is often device specific.  It is covered in much greater detail in a book by Ronald B. Standler "Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages" published by Dover Publications.

Caution a fair amount of new information is being added to this class at the last minute and the written discussion and explanation may be a little rough.

First I thought it might be interesting to describe some recent experiments conducted at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing.  The experiments involved injecting return stroke currents from triggered lightning directly into the lightning protection system of a home in order to see how well the system performed.  In a initial experiment (an experiment conducted in 1997 and discussed by Rakov et al. 2002) peak currents at some points in the home's wiring exceeded 80% of the injected current's peak value which was quite a bit higher than was expected.  Here we will summarize a followup experiment conducted in 2004 (DeCarlo et al., 2008)).

A photograph of "test house" is shown above at left (from DeCarlo (2008)).       The dimensions of the house were about 10 m x 7 m x 6.5 m. Schematic diagram of the lightning protection system.  Each of the down conductors was connected to two grounding rods at diagonal corners of the house.  The neutral lead of the electrical power service was connected to an additional grounding rod which was connected to one of the down connectors.  Currents were measured at points A, B, C, and D and inside the house.

A more complete wiring diagram is shown below.  Lightning currents from triggered lightning were injected directly into the lightning protection system (into one of the air terminals on the top of the house).

Power to a residence would normally come from a distribution transformer or power lines a short distance away and would consist of two "hot" 110 volt leads (also known as phase conductors) and a neutral.  Plugging an appliance into an outlet inside the home would connect to one of the hot leads and to the neutral.  Current would travel from the hot lead into and through the appliance to the neutral.  In the Florida experiments wires running to the house came from a location about 50 m away but were not energized.  This is shown in the right portion of the figure above.  The neutral was grounded at the 50 m supply point and also at the house. 

The lightning protection system is shown in the left part of the figure.  The LPS consisted of 3 air terminals all connected together by a wire that ran the length of the roof of the house, two down conductors at diagonally opposite corners of the house.  Each of the down conductors was connected to two grounding rods (about 6 m apart) that were connected together.  The neutral lead ground was connected to one of the down conductor ground with a buried cable.  Grounding resistances of all the grounds are shown above.

Surge protection (MOVs and spark gaps) was connected between the two phase conductors and the neutral.  There wasn't any interior wiring or appliances in the home, instead a simulated load consisting of two resistors connecting the phase conductors to the neutral was used.

During a strike, currents were measured at points A, B, C, D, K, and G.  The purple arrows show the direction of flow of negative charge (current would be in the opposite direction).

The left figure above shows currents measured during the 3rd stroke of a 9 stroke flash.  

The current measured at point A is the largest probably because it was closest to the current injection.  Actually the peak current measured at point A is larger than the peak value of the injected current.  This could be because there was coupling into a loop formed by the LPS (the roof wire, the 2 down conductors, and the ground form a large loop) and also because of coupling into the measuring system which might not have been shielded properly. 

The current waveforms measured at points A, B, and C are narrower than the injected current waveform.  It appears that mainly the high frequencies in the injected current waveform travel to the local ground, the lower frequencies travel through point D and into the house wiring (note that the current flowing through pt. D and into the house wiring, reaches a peak value of just under 3 kA).  The grounding rods act more like a capacitive impedance to ground than a resistive impedance. 

The waveforms at points D and G, shown in the right figure above are from stroke 7 in the flash (stroke 7 had the lowest injected peak current value) .  The two waveforms are very similar, indicating that the current flowing through point D eventually flows to ground through point G at the location 50 m from the house.    The arcing shown on the figure was current from a different experiment sparking across to the grounding rod at point G. 

Currents measured at point D (i.e. currents flowing into the house wiring) ranged from about 1 to about 3 kA for the 9 stroke flash.  Overall currents measured at pt. D ranged from 16% to 28% of the peak value of the injected current.  This was considerably less than was observed in the earlier (1997) experiment and more in line with expectations.

I was surprised to learn that currents of this amplitude could potentially enter a home on the wiring in the event of a direct strike.  And this is a house with a LPS, which would seem like a best-case scenario.  However, there is no mention of a circuit breaker or fuses at the point where the electrical service entered the test house.  Presumably if lightning were to strike the LPS of a real house, the fuses and/or circuit breaker would prevent currents of this intensity from flowing into a house. 

Uman makes an interesting point in his book "The Art and Science of Lightning Protection" which will motivate what we will spend most of the rest of today's class discussing.  Some level of protection from over voltages is provided, in a house without a lightning protection system and without surge protection, by the AC wiring.  The insulation levels on the wiring in a typical home are 5,000 to 10,000 volts.  This includes insulation on the wiring, in wall outlets, lamp fixtures, switches, and that sort of thing.  So this is an upper limit, anything larger than this will breakdown the insulation and short to ground.  Though I don't think you want this happening inside the walls of your home, so it would be wise to keep over voltages from approaching anywhere near those levels.

One of the first protection considerations is the concept of topological shielding.  This consists of nested enclosures that might each offer some degree of shielding.  Incoming transients are reduced at the entrance to each successive enclosure.  The idea is shown on the figure reproduced below (source: "Applications of Advances  in Lightning Research to Lightning Protection," M.A. Uman, Ch. 5 in The Earth's Electrical Environment, National Academy Press, 1986. available online)

In a home the first line of defense could be surge protection outside the home at the circuit breaker box where electrical service arrives or where the cable TV or phone line signals connect to a house.  Once in the home plugging sensitive electronic equipment into a surge protector would offer additional protection against transients still on the power line.  Electronics equipment itself will often have surge protection installed on circuit boards inside a device.

What might the transient protection look like.  In the most general terms it will probably consist of a blocking impedance followed by a shunt impedance.

The blocking impedance should present a high impedance to the transient signal to prevent it from reaching the electronics.  The shunt has a low impedance and will divert the transient signal to ground.

For the signal of interest, Z1 should appear as a low impedance.  You might use an inductor if the incoming signal is low frequency (60 Hz power for example) and you want to block high frequency transients.  If the incoming signal is high frequency, a capacitor would block low frequency transients.

The shunt resistance should appear as a high impedance for the signal of interest, a capacitor if the incoming signal is low frequency.

I have been taught that it is a good idea to provide an alternate path to ground for an incoming signal that encounters a blocking impedance (though the blocking impedance may also cause the transient signal to be reflected rather than diverted).  I.e. something like the following:

The first component is often a gas discharge tube.

A gas discharge tube or "spark gap" is an example of a "crowbar" device.  It creates a short circuit (like putting a crowbar across the signal leads) once it exceeds a certain voltage threshold.  The figure below (from Uman's lightning protection book) shows the operating characteristics of a typical gas discharge tube.

The spark gap depicted here quickly becomes conducting once a voltage threshold of about 600 volts is crossed.  Spark gaps can carry large currents and are bipolar.  They turn on relatively slowly however (~1 μs).  Note that once created the arc discharge can be maintained even at low current levels.  A device like this is sometimes difficult to "turn off."

The role of the gas discharge tube is not to carry or divert all of the transient signal to ground.  Rather the transient signal is reflected back in the direction it came from.  A short discussion of reflection at the end of a short circuited line and a line with infinite impedance (open circuit) has been added to the end of today's notes. 

MOV in the figure stands for metal oxide varistor.  A varistor is a voltage-controlled resistor.  The operating characteristics are shown below (again from Uman's book).  Varistors are clamping devices which means they hold or limit the voltage to a particular value.

In the figure above, the varistor becomes active when the voltage across it reaches perhaps 180 volts (prior to that it has a large impedance).  The voltage is then held at about that value until the current through the varistor reaches perhaps 100 A (currents higher than that would presumably destroy the device).  A 200 v clamping voltage would be appropriate for a 110 volt AC power line.  MOVs turn on very quickly (nanoseconds) and are bipolar.  They do however have a relatively high capacitance and are not able to divert overvoltages for a sustained period of time.

The MOV could be followed by another shunt impedance such as a zener diode which would clamp the incoming signal to an even lower voltage.  This is sketched below.  Each device adds some additional attenuation of the transient signal.

The figure below contrasts the operation of an ordinary diode and a zener diode.

The left figure shows a conventional diode.  The diode begins to conduct when the forward bias voltage reaches about 0.65 volts.  Very little current flows through the diode when back biased.  The zener diode at right operates in the same way when forward biased.   When back biased the diode doesn't conduct much current until the voltage reaches a breakdown or zener voltage (Vz).  Then voltage will be maintained at Vz over a wide range of currents.  In addition to use as a surge protective device, zener diodes are also used as voltage regulators.  Note that a zener diode is not a bipolar device, it offers surge protection against only one polarity of overvoltage.

Many of the devices we have been discussing can be found inside a commercial surge protector (in this case an Inmac 8215 Surge Protector)

A gas discharge tube can be seen near the center left edge of the printed circuit board (white ceramic case).  A total of 6 MOVs can be seen.  They are green, circular, and might otherwise be mistaken for capacitors.  There is room for two inductors on the circuit board (the two circles printed on the right side of the circuit board).  The inductors are apparently not included in this model.

Finally a few notes from the chapter on medical issues and personal lightning safety in Uman's lightning protection book.

Despite a large increases in total population, the number of people killed by lightning every year in the United States has dropped by an order of magnitude in the last century or so (from more than 400 per year in the early 1900s to about 30 per year at the present time).  The same is true in many other developed countries in the world.  The most recent estimates that I could find are summarized below (adapted from Holle (2015)).

This decrease has largely been due to movement of people from rural to urban locations and into safer homes, workplaces, and schools.  An additional reason for the decrease is travel is now almost always inside a vehicle with a metal body (that acts as a Faraday cage).  There are about 10 lightning injuries (requiring medical attention) per lightning death.

Source of the image above.

The figure of 6 deaths per million is thought to apply still in regions where large portions of the population live in rural areas with an agriculture based economy. 

About 24,000 lightning deaths occur per year around the globe (figure above adapted from Holle (2015))

A breakdown of lightning deaths by activity (from Jensenius (2016))

The primary causes of death from lightning are cardiopulmonary arrest and damage to the central nervous system.  I had always thought that someone struck by lightning would be seriously burned (internally and externally).  This is apparently not the case, the duration of the lightning current is too short.  Sometimes a person's clothing catches on fire, however, and that can cause serious burns.

A lightning strike can cause eye damage and hearing loss (one or both eardrums is(are) often ruptured).  Psychological effects (anxiety, fatigue, chronic headaches or other pain, personality changes and depression) are apparently a significant and long-lasting result of a lightning strike.

Telephone injury is the most common type of indoors injury associated with lightning.

I would encourage you to read "Updated Recommendations for Lightning Safety - 1998" by R.L. Holle, R.E. Lopez and C. Zimmerman if you ever find yourself in a situation where you might be responsible for providing lightning safety recommendations or warning to a group of people.

You should also be aware of the National Lightning Safety Institute , an organization that is dedicated to providing accurate lightning safety information and interested in lightning safety education.

Lastly I may already have mentioned the The 30/30 Rule but there is no harm done repeating it. Basically if there is less than 30 seconds between a lightning flash and the sound of the thunder, that lightning discharge is close enough to present a risk to you.  You should be under cover.  You should wait 30 minutes after the last lightning discharge from a thunderstorm before concluding that the storm no longer presents a lightning hazard to you.

Here's a short look at what happens to a voltage pulse when it arrives at the end of a transmission line.  We look first at the case of an open circuit (infinite terminating impedance) at the end of the line.

Pt. a at the top of the figure shows current flowing from left to right along a signal wire.  This current times the characteristic impedance of the line produces a voltage pulse with amplitude Vi shown at Pt. b.  When charge arrives at the open end of the line the charge must go somewhere.  It can't flow through the infinite impedance at the open end of the line and it can't just buildup at the end of the line.  The only option is for the charge to travel back in the direction it came from as shown at Pt. c.   The reflected current times the characteristic impedance produces a voltage Vr with the same polarity and amplitude as the incoming voltage pulse.  A voltage Vi + Vr = 2Vi would be measured across the open end of the line.

This figure shows the same voltage pulse, Vi, arriving at the end of a shorted line.  Now the requirement is that the voltage at the end of the line be zero.  A reflected voltage pulse with the same amplitude but the opposite polarity is needed to cancel out the incoming voltage pulse. 

The measured voltage at the end of the line is zero.  The current at the end of the line has an amplitude that is twice the incoming current (the reflected current has negative polarity and is traveling from right to left - that is equivalent to a positive current traveling from left to right).


V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I. Fernandez, C.T. Mata, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, R. Sutil, "Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building. Triggered Lightning Experiments," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 17, 575-585, 2002.

B.A. DeCarlo, V.A. Rakov, J.E. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, V. Kodali, D. Jordan, G. Maxwell, S. Humeniuk, and M. Morgan, "Distribution of Currents in the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building - Part 1. Triggered-Lightning Experiments," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 23, 2439-2446, 2008.

R. B. Standler, Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989 (republished in by Dover Publications, New York, 2002)

R.L. Holle, "Some Aspects of Global Lightning Impacts," 2015 Amer. Meteorol. Soc. Meeting, Phoenix, 2015.

J.S. Jensenius, Jr., "A Detailed Analysis of Lightning Deaths in the United States from 2006-2013," National Weather Service, NOAA, 2016