Mon., Mar. 31, 2014

Just by accident I happened to catch a story on 60 Minutes last night about Marcus Roberts who for Wynton Marsalis is "the greatest American musician most people have never heard of."  Most of the pieces I found on YouTube were too long to play before class but I did find a couple of short examples of his work.   I think I had time to play "Bolivar Blues" and "I Got Rhythm" in class.  You really should watch the 60 Minutes Segment though.  As a matter of fact, I'm willing to give you a Green Card if you do.  Just write something (short) down on paper convincing that you really did watch the video and turn it in before class on Wednesday.  Just to be clear, because there seems to be some confusion, you need to watch the 60 Minutes Segment in order to earn the Green Card.

The Experiment #2 revised reports have been graded and were returned in class today.  The Experiment #3 reports were due today also.  And next Monday, Apr. 7, is the due date for everything else: book reports, Scientific Paper reports, and the Experiment #4 reports.

The Humidity Example Problems Optional Assignment was collected today also.  Here are answers to the questions on that assignment.

Part 1 of the Quiz #3 Study Guide is now available online.

Here's an outline of what we'll be covering in class today:

the role that small particles (condensation nuclei) play in cloud formation
transition from dry haze -> wet haze -> fog
cloud in a bottle demonstration + Mother Nature's version of the demonstration
clouds and climate change
identifying and naming clouds pt. 1

A variety of things can happen when you cool air to the dew point and the relative humidity increases to 100%.  Point 1 shows that when moist air next to the ground is cooled to and below the dew point, water vapor condenses onto (or is deposited onto) the ground or objects on the ground.  This forms dew, frozen dew, and frost.  We had a quick look at this last Friday.

Air above the ground can also be cooled to the dew point.  When that happens (Point 2 above) it is much easier for water vapor to condense onto something rather than just forming a small droplet of pure water.    In air above the ground water vapor condenses onto small particles in the air called condensation nuclei.  Both the condensation nuclei and the small water droplets that form on them are usually too small to be seen with the naked eye.  We can tell they are present (Point 3) because they scatter sunlight and make the sky hazy.  As humidity increases dry haze turns to wet haze and eventually to fog (Point 4).   When air well above the ground, clouds can form.

You might have thought that once the relative humidity in the air (RH) reaches 100% that water vapor would simply condense and form little droplets.  This is not the case; we will find that small particles in the air called condensation play an essential role in cloud formation.

it is much easier for water vapor
to condense onto small particles
called condensation nuclei
rather than just condensing
and forming small droplets
of pure water

When air is saturated with water vapor (RH = 100%)

We'll first illustrate that when the air is saturated with water vapor (the relative humidity is 100%) the rates of evaporation and condensation above a flat surface of water will be equal.  There's no real reason for picking three arrows each of evaporation and condensation, the important point is that they are equal when the RH is 100%.

It's hard for water vapor to condense and form a small droplet of water because small droplets evaporate at a very high rate.  This is known as the curvature effect and is illustrated below.

The surface of the smallest droplet above at left has the most curvature and the highest rate of evaporation (6 arrows).  If a small droplet like this were to form it wouldn't stay around very long.  With it's high rate of evaporation it would quickly evaporate away and disappear. 

The middle droplet is larger and does not evaporate as quickly. 

The drop on the right is large enough that curvature no longer has an effect.  This drop has an evaporation rate (3 arrows) that is the same as would be found over a flat surface of water.  A droplet like this could survive, but the question is how could it get this big without going through the smaller sizes with their high rates of evaporation.  
A droplet must somehow reach a critical size before it will be in equilibrium with its surroundings.

Particles in the air, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), make it much easier for cloud droplets to form.  The figure below explains why.

By condensing onto a particle, the water droplet starts out large enough and with an evaporation rate low enough that it is in equilibrium with the moist surroundings (equal rates of condensation and evaporation). 

There are always lots of CCN (cloud condensation nuclei in the air) so this isn't an impediment to cloud formation.  The following information is from p. 91 in the ClassNotes.

Note that condensation onto certain kinds of condensation nuclei and growth of cloud droplets can begin even when the relative humidity is below 100%.   These are called hygroscopic nuclei.  Salt is an example; small particles of salt mostly come from evaporating drops of ocean water.

To understand this we first need to learn about the solute effect (differs a little bit from the coverage in class)

solution droplet
pure water droplet

Water vapor condensing onto the particle in the left figure dissolves the particle.  The resulting solution evaporates at a lower rate (2 arrows of evaporation).  A droplet of pure water of about the same size would evaporate at a higher rate (4 arrows in the figure at right).  Note the rates of condensation are equal in both figures above, the RH is 100% in both figures above and the rates of condensation are equal. 

The next figure compares solution droplets that form when the RH is 100% (left figure) and when the RH is less than 100%.

The solution droplet will grow in the RH=100% environment at left.  You can tell the RH is less than 100% in the figure at right because there are now only 2 arrows of evaporation.  But because the solution droplet only has 2 arrows of evaporation it can form and be in equilibrium in this environment.

Don't worry too much about all the details.  The key point is that particles help clouds to form.

The following figure is at the bottom of p. 91 in the ClassNotes.

This figure shows how cloud condensation nuclei and increasing relative humidity can affect the appearance of the sky and the visibility.

The air in the left most figure is relatively dry.  Even though the condensation nuclei particles are too small to be seen with the human eye you can tell they are there because they scatter sunlight.  When you look at the sky you see the deep blue color caused by scattering of sunlight by air molecules mixed together with some white sunlight scattered by the condensation nuclei.  This changes the color of the sky from a deep blue to a bluish white color.  The more particles there are the whiter the sky becomes.  This is called "dry haze."  Visibility under these conditions might be a few tens of miles.

(source of the image above)

The recent pollution problems in Paris is most likely an extreme case of dry haze.  Much like the severe pollution events in China discussed earlier in the semester. Cars with even numbered license plates weren't allowed into the city on Monday, odd numbers were banned on Tuesday.  Public transportation was free for a short time to try to reduce automobile use.

The middle picture shows what happens when you drive from the dry southwestern part of the US into the humid southeastern US or the Gulf Coast.  One of the first things you would notice is the hazier appearance of the air and a decrease in visibility.  Because the relative humidity is high, water vapor begins to condense onto some of the condensation nuclei particles (the hygroscopic nuclei) in the air and forms small water droplets.  The water droplets scatter more sunlight than just small particles alone.  The increase in the amount of scattered light is what gives the air its hazier appearance. This is called "wet haze."  Visibility now might now only be a few miles.

Thin fog (perhaps even wet haze)
with pretty good visibility

(source of the image)

Thick fog
(visibility was less than 500 feet)

(source of the image)

Finally when the relative humidity increases to 100% fog forms.  Fog can cause a severe drop in the visibility.  The thickest fog forms in dirty air that contains lots of condensation nuclei.  That is part of the reason the Great London Smog of 1952 was so impressive.  Visibility was at times just a few feet!

Next up was the cloud-in-a-bottle demonstration.  Cooling air, changing relative humidity, condensation nuclei, and scattering of light are all involved in this demonstration.

We used a strong, thick-walled, 4 liter vacuum flask (designed to not implode when all of the air is pumped out of them, they really aren't designed to be pressurized).  There was a little water in the bottom of the flask to moisten the air in the flask.  Next we pressurized the air in the flask with a bicycle pump.  At some point the pressure blows the cork out of the top of the flask.  The air in the flask expands outward and cools.  This sudden cooling increases the relative humidity of the moist air in the flask to 100% ( probably more than 100% momentarily ) and water vapor condenses onto cloud condensation nuclei in the air.  A very faint cloud became visible at this point.  Believe it or not that's the way I like the demonstration to work.

The demonstration was repeated an additional time with one small change.  A burning match was dropped into the bottle.  The smoke from the matches added lots of very small particles, condensation nuclei, to the air in the flask.  The same amount of water vapor was available for cloud formation but the cloud that formed this time was quite a bit "thicker" and much easier to see.  To be honest the burning match probably also added a little water vapor (water vapor together with carbon dioxide is one of the by products of combustion).

This effect has some implications for climate change.

A cloud that forms in dirty air is composed of a large number of small droplets (right figure above).  This cloud is more reflective than a cloud that forms in clean air, that is composed of a smaller number of larger droplets (left figure).  

Combustion of fossil fuels adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.  There is concern that increasing carbon dioxide concentrations (and other greenhouse gases) will enhance the greenhouse effect and cause global warming.  Combustion also adds condensation nuclei to the atmosphere (just like the burning match added smoke to the air in the flask).  More condensation nuclei might make it easier for clouds to form, might make the clouds more reflective, and might cause cooling.  There is still quite a bit of uncertainty about how clouds might change and how this might affect climate.  Remember that clouds are good absorbers of IR radiation and also emit IR radiation.

Clouds are one of the best ways of cleaning the atmosphere

A cloud is composed of small water droplets (diameters of 10 or 20 micrometers) that form on particles ( diameters of perhaps 0.1 or 0.2 micrometers). The droplets "clump" together to form a raindrop (diameters of 1000 or 2000 micrometers which is 1 or 2 millimeters), and the raindrop carries the particles to the ground.  A typical raindrop can contain 1 million cloud droplets so a single raindrop can remove a lot of particles from the air.  You may have noticed how clear the air seems the day after a rainstorm; distant mountains are crystal clear and the sky has a deep blue color.  Gaseous pollutants can dissolve in the water droplets and be carried to the ground by rainfall also.  We'll be looking at the formation of precipitation later this week.

And here's Mother Nature's version of the cloud in a bottle demonstration.

A brush fire in this picture is heating up air and causing it to rise.  Combustion also adds some moisture and lots of smoke particles to the air.  You can see that initially the rising air doesn't form a cloud.  A little higher and once the rising air has cooled enough (to the dew point) a cloud does form.  And notice the cloud's appearance - puffy and not a layer cloud.  Cumulo or cumulus should be in the cloud name.  These kinds of fire caused clouds are called pyrocumulus clouds.  The example above is from a Wikipedia article about these kinds of clouds.  The fire in this case was the "Station Fire" burning near Los Angeles in August 2009.

We'll be spending the whole class on Wednesday learning to identify and name clouds. 

I got an early start on that at the end of class today.

The ten main cloud types are listed below (you'll find this list on p. 95 in the ClassNotes)

I'm hoping you'll try to learn these 10 cloud names.  There is a smart and a not-so-smart way of learning these names.  The not-so-smart way is to just memorize them.  Because they all sound alike you will inevitably get them mixed up.  And I'm hoping you'll be able to sketch each of the clouds and describe them in words.  That gets to be a lot of material to try to just memorize.

A better way is to recognize that all the cloud names are made up of key words.  Clouds are classified using just two criteria: altitude and appearance.  There are 4 key words that tell you something about the cloud's altitude and appearance (and a 5th key word for clouds that are producing precipitation wasn't mentioned in class).  My recommendation is to learn the key words and what they mean.  Then you can usually construct a cloud name by taking key words from both the altitude and appearance groups and combining them.

Here are some examples to start to get a feel for how this works.

Examples of puffy patchy (cumuliform) clouds found at different altitudes

high altitude cloud
the patches of cloud are small because they are far away

a cirrocumulus cloud
cirro means high altitude
cumulus means patchy

middle altitude cloud
the patches of cloud are bigger because they closer to the ground

an altocumulus cloud
low altitude cloud

cumulus clouds

(there is no key word for low altitude)

Examples of clouds of different appearance

featureless Stratiform cloud
(layer cloud)

Strato- or -stratus will be part of the cloud name
an altostratus cloud
this in between case,
a "lumpy layer cloud" combines features of both stratiform & cumuliform clouds

and is named stratocumulus

patchy, puffy Cumuliform cloud
cumulo- or -cumulus will be part of the cloud name
this is the same cumulus cloud
that was shown above