Monday August 29, 2011
click here to download today's notes in a more printer friendly format

Three songs from Julia Lee before class this afternoon ("Gotta Gimme What'cha Got", "Don't Come Too Soon" and "Ain't It A Crime" )

The 1st Optional Assignment of the semester was handed out in class today.  It's due at the start of class on Friday.  You can earn extra credit points on the optional assignment.  But you should finish the assignment before coming to class, don't let me find you furiously trying to finish the assignment before class on Friday.  You can always turn in assignments ahead of time.

A little more information on carbon monoxide that we need to finish before a short demonstration and starting a section on sulfur dioxide.

Here's a summary of what we've learned about carbon monoxide last Friday.

Let's imagine that the average carbon monoxide concentration in Tucson air yesterday was 3 ppm.  Is this a high and unhealthy value or was the air quality OK?  We need some more information.  We need to know what an acceptable concentration level for carbon monoxide is.  The EPA has done just that ( a neater version of the top of p. 8 in the photocopied ClassNotes is shown below)

The six main pollutants are listed above (there are many more).  The concentration of lead in air has decreased significantly since lead was removed from gasoline
(the following quote is from a Wikipedia article on gasoline: "In the US,standards to phase out leaded gasoline were first implemented in 1973 ..... In 1995, leaded fuel accounted for only 0.6% of total gasoline sales ...... From 1 January 1996, the Clean Air Act banned the sale of leaded fuel for use in on-road vehicles. Possession and use of leaded gasoline in a regular on-road vehicle now carries a maximum $10,000 fine in the US.")

There was a question at about this point about chlorofluorocarbons.  CFCs are largely not toxic.  The molecules are very stable and unreactive compounds, however, that can make their way up into the stratosphere where they deplete stratospheric ozone.  For this reason, a ban on the use of CFCs as a propellant in aerosol cans was put into place in the US in 1978.  International agreements since then such as the 1987 Montreal Protocol have sought to drastically reduce and eventually eliminate CFC production.

In Tucson, carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter are of primary concern and daily measurements are reported in the city newspaper.  Rather than report the actual measured values, an Air Quality Index value is reported instead.    The AQI is the ratio of the measured to accepted concentrations multiplied by 100%. 

If we plug in the 3 ppm value mentioned above for carbon monoxide, the AQI value would be

The air quality in this case would be good.  Air becomes unhealthy when the AQI value exceeds 100%.  The units "ppm", by the way, stands for "parts per million."  A CO concentration of 3 ppm would mean that in 1 million air molecules 3 of them would be carbon monoxide.

This information is found on the bottom of p. 8 in the photocopied ClassNotes.  Current Air Quality Index values for Tucson are available online.

Carbon monoxide is a serious hazard indoors where is can build to much higher levels than would ever be found outdoors.  This next link is to a newspaper article describing an incident at Virginia Tech (that occurred near the beginning of the school year in 2007).   Carbon monoxide from a malfunctioning hot water heater sickened 23 Virginia Tech students in an apartment complex.  The CO concentration is thought to have reached 500 ppm.  You can get an idea of what kinds of health effects concentrations this high could cause from the figure. on p. 9 in the photocopied ClassNotes.

The 400 ppm line in the ClassNotes approaches the level where CO would cause coma and death.  At Virginia Tech several students were found unconscious and one or two had stopped breathing but they were revived.

Carbon monoxide alarms are relatively inexpensive (~$50) and readily available at most hardware stores.  They will monitor CO concentrations indoors and warn you when concentrations reach hazardous levels. Indoors CO is produced by gas furnaces and water heaters that are either operating improperly or aren't being adequately vented to the outdoors.  A few hundred people are killed indoors by carbon monoxide every year in the United States.  You can learn more about carbon monoxide hazards and risk prevention at the Consumer Product Safety Commission web page.

You might have missed this link in last Friday's lecture notes.

This was a good point for a demonstration, one that was once voted the prettiest demonstration of the semester.

You are able to see a lot of things in the atmosphere (clouds, fog, haze, even the blue sky) because of scattering of light.  I'm going to try to make a cloud of smog in class later this week.  The individual droplets making up the smog cloud are too small to be seen by the naked eye.  But you will be able to see that they're there because the droplets scatter light.  So we took some time for a demonstration that tried to show you exactly what light scattering is.

In the first part of the demonstration a narrow beam of intense red laser light was shined from one side of the classroom to the


Looking down on the situation in the figure above.  Neither the students or the instructor could see the beam of light.  Nobody could see the beam because there weren't any rays of light pointing from the laser beam toward the students or toward the instructor.

The instructor would have been able to see the beam if he had stood at the end of the beam of laser light and looked back along the beam of light toward the laser.  That wouldn't have been a smart thing to do, though, because the beam was strong enough to possibly damage his eyes (there's a warning on the side of the laser). 

Everybody was able to see a bright red spot where the laser beam struck the wall.

This is because when the intense beam of laser light hits the wall it is scattered (splattered is a more descriptive term).  The original beam is broken up into a myriad of weaker rays of light that are sent out in all directions.  There is a ray of light sent in the direction of every student in the class.  They see the light because they are looking back in the direction the ray came from.  It is safe to  look at this light because the original intense beam is split up into many much weaker beams.

Next we clapped some erasers together so that some small particles of chalk dust fell into the laser beam.

Now instead of a single spot on the wall, students saws lots of points of light coming from different positions along a straight segment of the laser beam.  Each of these points of light was a particle of chalk, and each piece of chalk dust was intercepting laser light and sending light out in all directions.  Each student saw a ray of light coming from each of the chalk particles.

We use chalk because it is white, it will scatter rather than absorb visible light.  What would you have seen if black particles of soot had been dropped into the laser beam?

In the last part of the demonstration we made a cloud by pouring some liquid nitrogen into a cup of water.  The cloud droplets are much smaller than the chalk particles but are much more numerous.  They make very good scatterers.

The beam of laser light really lit up as it passed through the small patches of cloud.  The cloud droplets did a very good job of scattering laser light.  So much light was scattered that the spot on the wall fluctuated in intensity (the spot dimmed when lots of light was being scattered, and brightened when not as much light was scattered).  Here's a photo I took back in my office.

The laser beam is visible in the left 2/3 rds of the picture because it is passing through cloud and light is being scattered toward the camera.  There wasn't any cloud on the right 1/3rd of the picture so you can't see the laser beam over near Point 1.

There's something else going on in this picture also.  We're not just seeing the narrow beam of laser light but some of the cloud outside the laser beam is also visible.

Up to this point we've just considered single scattering.  A beam of light encounters a cloud droplet or a particle of chalk and gets redirected and then travels all the way to your eye or to a camera.  That's what's happening at Point 2.  You just see the narrow laser beam.  But sometimes the scattered ray of light runs into something else and gets scattered again.  This is called multiple scattering.  And that is what is illuminating the cloud alongside the beam of laser light at Point 3.  Light is first scattered by a cloud droplet in the beam.  As it leaves the beam it runs into another droplet and gets scattered again.  So now it looks like it is coming from the cloud surrounding the laser beam rather than from the beam itself.

Here's a comment that wasn't mentioned in class  Air molecules are able to scatter light too, just like cloud droplets.  Air molecules are much smaller than cloud droplets and don't scatter much light.  That's why you couldn't see the laser beam as it was traveling from one side of the classroom to the other through the air.  Outdoors we are able to see sunlight scattered by air molecules.  This is true for a couple of reasons.  The sunlight is much stronger than the laser beam and its shining through a lot more air. 

Sunlight is white light which means it's made up of a mixture of violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red light.  Air molecules have an unusual property: they scatter the shorter wavelengths (violet, blue, green) much more readily than the longer wavelength colors in sunlight (yellow, orange, and red).  When you look away from the sun and look at the sky, the blue color that you see are the shorter wavelengths in sunlight that are being scattered by air molecules.

We'll come back to the topic of light scattering later this week or early next week. when we cover particulate matter and its effect on visibility.

We had a little time to start a short section on sulfur dioxide, the 2nd air pollutant we will be concerned with.
The following information is on p. 11 in the photocopied ClassNotes.

Sulfur dioxide is produced by the combustion of sulfur containing fuels such as coal.  Combustion of fuel also produces carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.  People probably first became aware of sulfur dioxide because it has an unpleasant smell.    Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are odorless.  That is why sulfur dioxide was the first pollutant people became aware of.

Volcanoes are a natural source of sulfur dioxide.

Sulfur dioxide has been involved in some of the world's worst air pollution disasters.  If not the deadliest, The Great London Smog of 1952 is in the top three.  Because the atmosphere was stable, SO2 emitted into air at ground level couldn't mix with cleaner air above.  The SO2 concentration was able to build to dangerous levels.  4000 people died during this 4 or 5 day period.  As many as 8000 additional people died in the following weeks and months.
Some of the photographs below come from articles published in 2002 on the 50th anniversary of the event. 






The sulfur dioxide didn't kill people directly.  Rather it would aggravate an existing condition of some kind.  The SO2 probably also made people susceptible to bacterial infections such as pneumonia.  Here's a link that discusses the event and its health effects in more detail.

London type smog which contains sulfur dioxide and is most common during the winter is very different from photochemical or Los Angeles type smog, something we will be learning about later this week.  Los Angeles type smog contains ozone and is most common in the summer.

Some other air pollution disasters also involved high SO2 concentrations.  One of the deadliest events in the US occurred in 1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania.

"This eerie photograph was taken at noon on Oct. 29, 1948 in Donora, PA as deadly smog enveloped the town. 20 people were asphyxiated and more than 7,000 became seriously ill during this horrible event."  The photograph below shows some of the mills that were operating in Donora at the time.  The factories were not only emitted pollutants into the air but probably also discharging pollutants into the river.


"When Smoke Ran Like Water," a book about air pollution is among the books that you can check out, read, and report on to fulfill part of the writing requirements in this class (instead of doing an experiment report).  The author, Devra Davis, lived in Donora Pennsylvania at the time of the 1948 air pollution episode.