Experiment #2 - Latent heat of fusion of ice

X Justin Adler #F
X Scott Alves #83
X Elspeth Anderson #47
X Brette Auther #75
X Danielle Ball #29
X Jon Beck #B5
Jasmine Bonner #77
X T. Cordery #55

X Stacy Culp #59
X Tori Davis #A
X David Evans #B3
James Flores #26
X Ryan Freeman #33
X Sarah Furrier #C6
X Michael Grauman #57
X Craig Hobday #43
X Veronica Hoffman #79
X Melanie Johnson #57
Tricia Jordan-Curtis #53
X Kimberly Kieran #H
X Emily Lackey #A5
X Renee Larriva #A1
X Robert Lattin #BB
X Danielle Laven #C3

X Sara Lerner #C9
X Michael Lewis #65
X Jake Lieberman #41
X Joanna Lima #B7
X Christina Maestri #81

X Alex Marvin #M
X Carrie McNary #69
X Angelique Misiura #BB
X Ashley Moorer #C5
X Kathleen Morris #45
X Melissa Nguyen #63
X Dara Oseran #D
X Mayra Perez #75
X Alison Ricci #51
Selarz #BB
X Theresa So #C7
X Daniel Waks
X Alex Wanamaker #C
X Bess Watt #C1

Distribution of the materials began Wed., Feb. 8.

It won't take even an hour to collect the data you need for your report, so do it as soon as possible.  Once you have collected your data return the materials (so that other students can use them) and pick up the supplementary information handout that will help (a lot) with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due Mon., Feb. 27; an X in front of your name means I have received your report.  Names in red picked up their materials late; their reports are due on or before Fri., Mar. 10.

Graded reports were returned on Mon., Mar. 6.  Revised reports are due on Wed., Mar. 22.  Please return your original report when you turn in a revised report