I was in France with my bicycle this summer, trying to ride up some of the classic mountain stages from the Tour de France.

On the way to the Col d'Aspin in the Pyrenees in southern France.

Looking uphill toward the col, the saddle in the distance in this picture.  Cyclists came down this side of the col during Stage 16 in the Tour de France this year.  As impressive as how quickly the professional riders go up these mountain roads is how fast they go down.

Looking back downhill.  You can see part of the town of Arreau in the valley in this picture.

Here's the connection with this class.  Here's an advertisement (for some kind of tutoring service) that I saw in the Paris Metro.  It made me think of something that a lot of students in this class will tell me at some point during the semester.

Here's my translation:
Jeanne has a well made head (brain).
She has a head that is full (of information).

But she put in her head
the idea that she is worthless in math

A lot of students will come to my office this semester and tell me that they're terrible in math and science.  I don't believe it.  I hope you push any ideas like that to the back of your head (or remove them completely).