Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Gabriel Acosta #17
X Tatum Armitage #67
X Jenna Brockman #51
X Julia Capanna #83
X Ying Cao #185
Katherine Chandler
Patrick Cline
X Kaitlyn Colyer #63
X Hong Cui #7
X Philip Dokes #39
Robert Douglas #119
X Caleb Ferganchick #37
Clarissa Gonzales #157
X Evan Graham #151
X Vanna Gworek #225
X Jon Hagen #211
X Aubrey Hahn #53
X Amanda Ho #249
X Belinda Hughes #9
X Brittany Kruglick #99
X Andy Lee #275
X Kreslin Leon #15
X Xiang Li #105
X Wenchao Liu #111
X Zhipeng Liu #49
X Lyndsey Lopez #79
Nate Mendoza #59
X Alexa Miller #9
X Kyanah Murphy #129
X Dillon Mutyaba #91
X Taylor Pembrook #215
X Rachel Pennington #95
X Sheng Qiang #91
X Deyi Shan #997
X Yifan Shen #151
X JD Simons #19
X Alissa Smith #111
X Cooper Smith #209
X Wei Sun #5
X Adam Velasco (LN2)
X Adam Wagner (10/22 due date)
X Xiran Wang #45
X Natalie Weller #117
X Austin Wright #203
X Rufeng Wu #29
Yuxiang Zhang #113
X Zhesheng Zhao #71
X Yelin Zhong #131
X Evelyn Zubia #223
Waiting List

Tyler James
Alexia Mora

Yanru Yang

Materials will be distributed the week of Sep. 17-21, after the Expt. #1 materials have been returned and cleaned up.  Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions for the experiment, or a data collection sheet.

Your thermometer may have a separated column.  If so, read these special instructions.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   That will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.

We're a little short of materials so it would sure be nice if you could collect your data and return the materials quickly so that they could be checked out to someone else. 

Your name should turn purple when you have returned your materials.

Unless noted otherwise, experiment reports are due in class on Monday Oct. 8.