Home - NATS101 Section 4: Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00 - 9:50am at ILC Room 120
Teaching Staff
- Lecturer: Prof. Xubin Zeng
- email: xubin@atmo.arizona.edu; Tel: 621-4782
- office: Physics and Atmospheric Science (PAS) Building, Room 562
- office hours: Wed and Thu 2:00 - 2:50 pm
- Teaching Assistants: Diana Stovern and Adam Gray
- Diana: (Email) dstovern@atmo.arizona.edu; (Tel) 621-6843; (Office) PAS Room 526
- Adam: (Email) agray@atmo.arizona.edu; (Tel) 621-6843; (Office) PAS Room 526
- Office hours: Tue 12:00-1:00 pm (Diane Stovern), and Mon 10:00 am - noon (Adam Gray)
- (12/4) Opportunity for extra points
- (12/4) Final Exam will cover Chapters 10-14 only, and answer keys to Chapters 10-11 homework assignments are available now.
- (12/4) Overview of material for the Final Exam will be provided on Wednesday 12/9/09
- (12/4) Official Final Exam date: 8-10am, Friday, 12/18/09 in the regular classroom
- (12/4) Alternative Final Exam date: 10am-noon, Thursday, 12/10/09, in the Atmospheric Science Library, 5th floor of the PAS Building, for students involved in NCAA sports during the official final exam date, students for health reasons, or students with special personal reasons (e.g., financial reasons or flight availability). If you want to take this option, written documents (e.g., flight ticket) must be previded to Dr. Zeng on Monday (12/7/09) or Wednesday (12/9/09).
- Dates for three quizzes (at regular class hours) and final exam (8-10am): 9/23 (Wed), 10/16 (Fri), 11/13 (Fri), and 12/18 (Fri).
- UofA Important Dates and Deadlines
- Campus Weather Condition
- Student Academic Learning Center will provide free 1-hour weekly course review for our course on Sunday 8:00-9:00pm in ILC 141
- (8/24) The classroom is Integrated Learning Center (ILC) room 120
- (8/24) Syllabus and other information are available at Syllabus link
- (8/24) The lecture note (power point file) for each chapter will be available from Lecture Notes link.
- (8/24) Academic Integrity video (4 min)
- (8/26) What to do to succeed in my class? read the chapter; attend the class; read the chapter; do the homework (no surprises in quizzes or the final exam)
- (8/26) D2L for homework and grades: visit d2l.arizona.edu for help.
- (8/26) The interwrite PRS-RF clickers for attendance and answering questions during the lecture. If your non PRS-RF clickers don't work, you need to purchase the PRS-RF in the bookstore. If your PRS-RF clickers don't work, let me know.
- (8/28) where are syllabus and homework on d2l? you have to go to course web site
- (8/31) How to set up your clicker?
- (9/2) Q: Can I use an alternate date for the tests? A: Yes for two situations ONLY: NCAA sport events or extenuating personal circumstances (e.g., serious illness or a major honor ceremony); No for all other reasons (wedding, family reunion, important meeting, ...)
- (9/2) Q: Where can I find the homework assignment? A: Click on Homework on the topright corner and then click on the relevant chapter (i.e., Chapter 1 at present)
- (9/9) Starting from today, clickers are used for the attendance record. So far, 17 students didn't use clickers, and 7 students didn't enter correct ID (e.g., missing letter S or incorrectly using letter o for zero)
- (9/18) Some students had identical short-sentence answers. While discussions are encouraged, copying each other is discouraged.
- (9/25) First Quiz questions
- (10/2) Grading statistics so far
- (11/4) there will be a review for Quiz #3 on Monday 11/9/09; No class on next Wednesday (Veteran's Day) 11/11/09; and Quiz #3 will be held on next Friday 11/13/09
- (11/13) Quiz #3 Instruction
- (11/20) Grading Statistics so far